What is Share a Refund?
Share a Refund helps you collect refunds on late deliveries, unshipped packages, and billing errors on your FedEx and UPS accounts.
Share a Refund examines your shipping accounts. If a package is late, unshipped or double billed, Share a Refund files a claim with FedEx and UPS. You receive a refund in the form of a credit.
Share a Refund is for all businesses, no matter the size. Shipping just a few times a week or thousands times a day, this app will lower your shipping expenses from FedEx and UPS. There is absolutely no extra work for you or anyone in your company.
How does it work?
Any package that is delivered one minute late is qualified for a full refund from FedEx and UPS. But finding the late shipments is challenging, and filing refund claims is time-consuming and must be done right away. Share a Refund accomplishes all responsibilities required to regain the money you are already laying out. They make it easy for you to save money on shipping.
Share a Refund collects 50% of the savings delivered. There are no upfront fees, and no ongoing fees. They continually analyze your shipping accounts for free, and report on any refunds delivered weekly. This is a performance-based service. In other words, if they deliver $40 in savings in a given week, then they invoice and collect payment from a credit card on file for $20, or half of the total savings delivered. If there are no savings delivered, then you don’t pay anything.
- With Share a Refund, you can audit multiple FedEx and UPS accounts. There’s no limit on the number of shipping accounts that we manage or the number of shipments that are auditing.
- Share a Refund is a cloud-based solution which means that you’ll never have to install any software, manage upgrades or back up your data.
- Share a Refund was built with those outside the U.S. in mind. Please note that there are limitations on the terms of service provided to you from UPS and FedEx. Share a Refund will let you know of any limitations in their auditing abilities based on where you live.
- To sign up for an account: https://www.sharearefund.com or download the app for your QuickBooks online account at https://apps.intuit.com/app-b7q85ehtyg