Cool Tools

When it comes to work with QuickBooks® data, sometimes you need to find a good tool that will save you hours of intensive manual data entry or data manipulation. These are just some of the QuickBooks® 3rd party add-on tools that we keep in our own “toolbox”, use on a regular basis, and recommend to our clients.
14500 Solution
The QuickBooks® 14500 Solution will allow you to continue using QuickBooks® after the 14,500 list limit has been reached; by allowing users to merge various list entries. This tool is a keyboard macro program and will work on with the Vendors, Customers, Items, and Other Names lists. If your QuickBooks® file is getting close to its list limits, and it isn’t practical to start a new file at the moment, this tool is a live saver. Many Stone Edge users will find that their ‘Other Names’ list will grow quickly; this is a perfect utility to have on hand.
Baystate Consulting
More cool tools from Baystate Consulting.
- Multi-Company Bill Disbursement Utility – allows businesses to quickly disburse Accounts Payable bills across multiple QuickBooks® company files. It eliminates the need for the user to manually enter both the Accounts Receivable invoice on the parent side and the Accounts Payable bill on the client side.
- Transaction Pro Delete Wizard – easily search for transactions or list items and then easily review or edit them in a program grid – you can then delete them from your QuickBooks® file.
Big Red Consulting
Big Red Consulting offers several other very useful tools on their website, so be sure to check them all out!
- IIF Transaction Creator – use this QuickBooks® add-on to convert Excel spreadsheets or .CSV files to the required IIF format for import into QuickBooks®. IIF files can be created with multiple transactions and transaction types (such as checks, bills, and invoices), any new list entries (like new customer names). This add-on integrates with your company file by directly connecting to QuickBooks® in order to get the company file data required to create a compatible IIF file.
- QIF to IIF Creator – use this add-on to download bank transactions when your bank does not offer a QuickBooks® Web Connect or Direct Connect feature; but does offer the Quicken export format. The QIF to IIF Creator will convert your QIF file into an IIF file and even allow you to review or change the data in Excel during the process. NOTE: I’ll be happy to assist you in setting this up and teach you how to use it.
- PayPal to QuickBooks® Link – this add-on offers a richer integration with QuickBooks® than the standard PayPal IIF export because it offers several different import options. You can import your PayPal receipts as Invoices, Sales Receipts, or as Payments for existing invoices you have already entered. It support PayPal shopping cart detail data for both US and UK PayPal downloads. You can also map your individual Vendor payments, made out of your PayPal account, to each specific expense account.
Karl Irvin, of Q2Q has over 20 QuickBooks® add-on tools and utilities available (including some free ones) and is always adding more. Please check out his website for all the goodies he has to offer.
- Data Remover – allows for mass deletions of transaction (invoices, bills, checks, etc.) and List names (customers, vendors, etc.) based on date ranges, reference number ranges, names, partial names, and other criteria. Transactions can be deleted based on transaction date or the date added/modified; right down to the hour, minute, and second. List names can be deleted based on the date added/modified, active status, name, partial name, as well as other criteria. Note that in QuickBooks®, list names can be deleted ONLY if the name is not used in any transaction or any other list type.
- Merge Customers – allows you to merge customer names and related transactions into a single generic customer. This is helpful when you have reached the QuickBooks® List limit on the number of customer names allowed. This add-on tool locates customers who have no sales within a user entered date range and merges them into a user selected generic customer.
- Report Combiner – allows you to extract data from 1 to 999 QuickBooks® company files and creates combined Profit & Loss Statements and Balance Sheet Reports. Additionally, the Report Combiner can transfer the companies data to a new or existing QuickBooks® “Consolidating” company file where it it then sets up each as a separate class. After transferring data to the “Consolidating” file, you can run any of the QuickBooks® Reports (Profit and Loss by Class, etc.) on the imported data. One other thing to note, the company files being combined do not have to be using the same Chart of Accounts.
- Sales by Ship To Address – produces summary and/or detail reports showing sales by “Ship To Address”; this information is frequently required for preparing both tax return and management purposes. Additionally, this add-on tool can export the detail of sales by item to Excel.
- Invoice Duplicator – allows you to create a sample invoice in QuickBooks® and then create a copy of it for all, or a select group, of your customers with a minimal amount of effort. The invoices created for each customer will be just like the sample invoice, except that each customers invoice will have their own name, address, taxes, terms, and custom field values displayed on it.